According to Pew Research and Statista, over 75% of the entire world population believes in one of the four largest religions.
The science of quantum physics has some very interesting theories that could be considered as providing evidence there is an unseen spirit world. Consider the theories of...
Unpredictability - Particles in motion should have a predictable path, but they can actually divert from their present direction for no known reason.
Tunneling - Particles can travel through solid barriers.
Entanglement - Particles can have an unseen connection with other particles despite a long physical distance of separation.
Decoherence - Physical elements in the earth have active particles that lose their live vibrating state (coherence) when the elements are put through a manufacturing process.
The Unified Field - Every living object with an energy field is connected to the universe by a larger 'Unified' energy field.
Another interesting consideration for a spiritual world is that our physical bodies are mostly space and energy. If we were to look into a human cell we would find our DNA. If we looked into the DNA we would find molecules. If we look into the molecules we find atoms. If we look into the atoms we find mostly space, consisting of tiny constantly moving particles. These particles include a nucleus with a proton and neutron, that are being circled by moving electrons. So, at the atomic level in the human body, we are mostly space and energy.
Belief in one God who is experienced as a Holy Triune or Trinity. The Christian's sacred document is the Bible. Key Christian beliefs include Jesus is the Son of God (Mt 3:17, Mk 1:1, Lk 1:35). God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, and whoever believes in Him will have eternal life (Jn 3:16). The Great Commandment is love God, and a second like it, is love your neighbor as yourself, on these commandments depend all the Law and Prophets (Mt 22:37-40). Go into the world and share the Gospel of Jesus (Mk 16:15).
Belief in one God. Islam's sacred document is the Quran. Islam key beliefs include The Five Pillars of Islam. 1. The profession of faith in one God and Mohammad as His messenger. 2. Prayer five times a day. 3. Almsgiving, or charity for the poor. 4. Fasting, especially during the month of Ramadan. 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca. People who practice Islam are referred to as Muslims. There are two types of Muslims, Shia and Sunni, which differ in their beliefs of the line of succession from the Prophet Mohammad.
Hindu's believe in many gods. The Hindu's sacred documents include the Vedas. Hindu key beliefs include human souls are reincarnated in other bodies at death, and four key goals for life are 1. Ethics and duties. 2. Work and prosperity. 3. Passion and desire. 4. Liberation from reincarnation. Hinduism is the main religion of India, and has many other sacred documents along with the Vedas.
Buddhism does not believe in a God as a higher power. Buddhist sacred documents include the Tripitaka. Key beliefs of Buddhism includes the Five Powers of Buddhism which are 1. Faith - Trust the Buddhist practices improve life. 2. Energy - Both physical and mental. 3. Mindfulness - The awareness of the situation in the moment. 4. Concentration - Associated to meditation. 5. Wisdom - True knowledge that penetrates dharmas and disperses darkness and delusion.
The book references for Islam and Hinduism are from the Learn Religions website, and Buddhism book references are from Amazon. A book for the general belief in God is The Case for a Creator.
Christianity - The Bible; Epic, by John Eldredge; The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel; Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis; Cold-Case Christianity, by J. Warner Wallace; Evidence that Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell; and the free short book (pdf), Key Bible Verses, at
Islam - The Quran; Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources; What Everyone Should Know About Islam and Muslims; Islam Explained; Welcome to Islam; Allah Loves; and Islam Today.
Hinduism - The Vedas; Bhagavad Gita; The Shiva Sutras; The Upanishads; Hinduism: Beliefs & Practices; The Hindu Mind; Dancing with Siva; and An Introduction to Hinduism
Buddhism - The Tripitaka; The Heart of Buddha's Teaching; In the Buddha’s Words; No-Nonsense Buddhism for Beginners; What the Buddha Taught; The Book of Joy; and No Self, No Problem.
Religions offer knowledge and traditions on spiritual growth, and how to live and love well.
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind (Albert Einstein)
Similarities in the major religions include the beliefs that we all have a selfish nature, but we still desire to be in relationship with others, which means we must work to overcome our selfish nature. They all share some common natural laws that govern human nature, like the importance of love, respect, wisdom, truth, integrity, forgiveness, and justice
While the major religions have some similarities, they also have significant differences in their beliefs of the spiritual world and spiritual growth.
There are also the philosophies of Confucius, and Taoism, which are primarily practiced in China. It's my understanding that most Chinese do not consider these as religions, but prefer to reference them as philosophies. These philosophies also believe our human nature is selfish and needs some work, so we can live in harmony with others.
Confucianism promotes ancestor worship, as spirits, not gods.
Taoism promotes a universal spiritual energy, and the light and dark forces of yin and yang.
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