Leaders aspire to be effective with people, efficient with their time and resources, and regularly review and renew their situation, their self, and their strategy.
Great leaders have personal humility and a strong professional will. They face the brutal facts but never lose faith (Jim Collins, Good to Great).
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Helpful for you personal leadership growth. Page two might be all you need.
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DownloadI would give all of the books mentioned a five star review, because....
The Book Leadership 101 highlights the four phases of leadership, and that successful leaders are learners, and talks about the importance of self-discipline. It gives great tips on using the 80/20 Pareto Principle, pursuing goals, building trust, and influence. The book Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 is based on decades of Leadership experience. It explains how the best leaders focus on learning how to improve themselves, their leadership, and training others to lead. It also explains how leadership is influence, the key to leadership is managing priorities, the foundation of leadership is character, the ultimate test of leadership is creating positive change, the quickest way to gain leadership is by problem-solving, the heart of leadership is serving people, and the price of leadership is self-discipline.
The book The Motive is a quick read that explains why leaders are drawn to leadership by either responsibility, or reward. It also highlights some key leadership responsibilities. The Advantage is based on decades of leadership and consulting organizations. It explains why organizational health is a greater advantage than organizational intelligence. It also provides a systematic approach to organizational health including, create a cohesive leadership team with trust that engages in healthy conflict that leads to commitment and accountability, with a focus on results. The Five Temptations of a CEO can help focus on results, clarity of goals, and healthy trustful conflict.
The book Start with Why gives insights on how to better communicate a vision to influence people, with our belief behind the vision. It explains the three parts of an influential message, with the why, how, and the what. The book Leaders Eat Last explains the biological science on why people are compelled to follow other people who display courage and caring. The book The Infinite Game gives key principles for leaders to avoid the dangers of focusing on short-term gains, including a just cause, trusting teams, and courage.
The book The Leadership Challenge is based on a large study of leaders and claims the more they research leadership the more they are convinced that it is within the grasp of everyone. It provides the five best practices of leaders including inspire a shared vision, enable others to act, and encourage the heart. Of course, like the other books, it explains pracitcial ways to implement the five practices.
The book Multipliers is based on a large study of what separates leaders who seem to multiply the intelligence of their people, and leaders who seem to decrease the intelligence of their people. It explains how good leaders can multiply the intelligence of others when they create intensity of thought, challenge people by seeding opportunity and debating decisions, and how to instill ownership and accountability.
The book Turn This Ship Around is about how a Navy leader increased the performance levels of his crew by increasing their clarity, competence, and control over their expected duties. It is a case study for the leader-leader framework, as it proves that leadership can be taught.
The book EntreLeadership is based on decades of experience creating a successful million dollar business, losing it all, then starting over and createing an even more successful multi million dollar business that is sustainable. It provides leaders with some best practices on leadership, culture, marketing, sales, and finances.
The book Good to Great is based on a large study of public businesses that did exceptionally well, and explains how a great leader has personal humility and professional will. It also provides many other helpful tactics like building an economic engine, put your best people on your biggest opportunities not your biggest problems. It also explains the flywheel theory that requires a predictable pattern of buildup and breakthrough, that avoids the doom loop.
The book Dare to Lead is a research based, how to guide, for leaders to develop a courageous culture through vulnerability, empathy, and curiosity. It also explains how to live our values, improve trust, and learn how to rise after a fall or failure.
The book First Break All The Rules is based on surveys of more than a million employees and eighty thousand managers, and it found that there are twelve questions that measure the strength of a workplace, and can help attract and retain talent. While the book focuses on "managers" the principles apply to leaders
Leadership growth is supported by professional growth, and supports business growth.
Entreleadership, John Maxwell, Craig Groeschel, Lead to Win, Forged by Trust, Coaching for Leaders, Dose of Leadership, Growth Think Tank, and School of Greatness.
Entreleadership, Center for Creative Leadership, The Aspen Institute, Leadership Nudges, Front Line Leadership
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